Another Move

I am back after an extensive (but much needed) hiatus.  At the beginning of February, Jake accepted a job in another state.  He closed things out at his previous job and spent a week doing a bit of Navy work at the NOSC (his last opportunity to drill at that location) while I took care of our last bits of household and local business.  Then, just as February was 2/3 over, we moved.

We stayed in temporary housing at a military base for a month or so while we waited to close on a house in our new location.  On weekday evenings, we explored our new city.  On the weekends, we spent time with Jake’s parents’ house (to which we are now much closer than we’ve ever been!).  On March 23, we closed on our new house and spent a week and a half doing major projects.  (Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of “before” and “after” stuff to share because our camera was accidentally packed up during our move, but I can certainly provide some after shots and describe the changes we made.)  We roughed it that first week and a half, sleeping on a used hotel sleeper we managed to purchase from a local furniture warehouse and continuing to live out of suitcases.  Since the beginning of April, we’ve been unpacking, getting settled, and having all sorts of adventures that I’ll post about later.

If you’re following along, this move makes 2 in the last year.  That means we’ve owned three homes in three different states within a year’s time.  During the first transition, we referred to our houses as “the country house” (House 1) and “the town house” (House 2).  This time, House 2 was “the mountain chateau” and House 3…well…I’m not really sure we had a clever name for it.

As you can imagine, buying and selling houses in this economic climate is nothing to joke about, but God has blessed us very much in this area.  Upon our first move, our house was purchased by Jake’s employer’s relocation company, then sold at a later time.  Our second house was under contract within a month of being put on the market, and we closed on it this week.  This is nothing short of a miracle, considering that a similar home in our neighborhood had been on the market for much longer.  This was one of our biggest leaps when Jake accepted the new position (since his current company did not offer a home buyout option).  Jake was confident from the beginning, but I worried: “What if the house doesn’t sell for a long time?” or “What if we have to take a lot less than we paid?”  I know many people who have had to move for jobs and hang onto houses in their former cities for more than a year.  I know the effect that can have on a family.  The thought of having two sets of home expenses made me sick to my stomach.  The whole home-selling ordeal is over, but I say all this because I want to make sure that everyone knows what an amazing thing God did for us, in spite of my worries.  I love how He is faithful, even when I am faithless!  Hopefully, by recording incidences of God’s providence, I can learn to better trust God’s character (and His plan) in the future.

This day has come to a close.  Tomorrow will come with a full slate of house projects to complete (and, at some point, share with you!).